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We're Atlas Events. Encouragers of Shattering the Standards - Facilitators of Lasting, Intimate Moments.
I love reading. I'm not kidding either - literally every. spare. minute. Please ALWAYS give me book recs.
We're both huge crime junkies (and yes it has made me paranoid but I can't stop, won't stop).
We love volleyball, snowboarding, and really any sport - extreme or not!
Quick Facts About Us
After spending a year working large, high-scale weddings with one of the top planning companies in my state, I decided that although I loved it, I wanted to create my own brand that focused on more intimate and out-of-the-box events. Thus, Atlas Events was born! I have built this business off of a strong dedication to delivering exceptional, luxury services and have made it my goal to break the barriers of design and creativity in wedding planning.
I founded Atlas Events Company with the mission of creating magazine-worthy dream weddings that push past the conventional standards and inspire unforgettable moments. I have always been a thorough enjoyer of the finer things in life. After attending college for 2 years without a clear end game in mind, I decided that I would take a break to decide what I really wanted for my life and in my time off, found and fell in love with creating art in the form of wedding design.
Atlas is my dream but I wouldn't be here without my #1 supporter.
My wonderful husband, Ethan, works along side me as my business partner and the ultimate equalizer in my life. He's been right by my side since day one and to this day does everything he can to support & encourage me and the growth of Atlas Events. Although I do most of the meetings and customer engagement during the planning process, he helps with the overall functioning of our business and works as my assistant on most wedding days.
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